Friday, October 10, 2008

13) Sicko

Watched Sicko last night. I know many people do not like Michael Moore because he is somewhat of an ass and manipulates his documentaries to strengthen his side of a particular issue. However, this documentary is worth watching. Michael Moore asks some interesting questions and follows many compeling stories as he explores the problems with America's current Health Care system.

The film hit me so hard because of my family situation. My mom has been fighting with her insurance company for more than ten years. She has been diagnosed a manic depressive and as a result requires constant medication and consistent therapy. It took 7 years for her to get properly diagnosed, and we still aren't sure if her medications are correct.

My brother Cody is Autistic, and has not been properly diagnosed. My step father's denial kept him from seeking proper medical attention for Cody, a problem that would have been addressed if Health Care were free and provided by the government.

My step mother Jeanne suffers from seperation anxiety and cabin fever, due to the long hours my father works. Her anxiety has within the last couple of years begun to manifest itself physically with bumps and sores all over her face, neck and arms. My father was hurt on the job (blue collar) and now must work with the pain because his insurance only covers so much medication.

My youngest brother David has learning disabilities and extreme ADHD, but cannot get properly treated because my father is the cheapest man in Texas. I feel myself being awfully preachy, and I did not want to do that. So basically, check the movie out and relate these issues to your own life and see how it affects you.

On a different note, I noticed Obama is up in the polls. I see that as a good thing. I just hope there is not another mysterious ballot counting error in Florida...

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