Thursday, June 27, 2013

111) Pain In The Neck Too

We had "forced family fun" yesterday.  That is to say that our entire office took the afternoon off to go bowling.  I am a fan of promoting relationships within the office environment, and though I am not a huge bowler, I was looking forward to splitting our office into teams and having a bowling tournament on a Wednesday afternoon when we would normally be working.  

The tournament was fun, and my team won the entire thing (no thanks to me, who was the weakest bowler on the team).  However, there is one huge pain in the neck when it comes to a bowling tournament with coworkers.  That is the apparent importance of the witty, pun-tastic team name.  Our team sent probably 48 emails throughout most of Tuesday afternoon throwing out name after name, and we could never agree on anything.  And all the names were horrible, but they all seemed to think they were hilariously funny. Maybe I am a sour puss, or perhaps I just don't like puns.  Following are the names we considered:

Split Happens
Livin' on a Spare
XXX With Coworkers
Oh Spare Me!
Snakes On A Lane
Turkey Hunters
Strike A Pose
Minds In The Gutter
The Little Lebowski Urban Achievers (This was my contribution)
and finally the winner:
Pin Killerz

1 comment:

Tess said...

Turkey Hunters? Wha?