Wednesday, October 17, 2012

92) A Problem

I teach a college level class each semester at a community college here in Dallas.  I arrived to the classroom early this past Saturday in order to set up and I discovered the following poster on the wall:

This is a "Student Participation Chart" that is lower budget looking than what I remember seeing in elementary school.  I do not like criticizing a fellow professor, but any student seeing this on the wall will fail to take this class or professor seriously.  Engaging your class is at the heart of what it means to be a teacher.  This simply is not going to cut it.

And we wonder why we as a society have unemployment issues.

After reading through this, I feel sort of bad for calling this out.  Is this because I am too nice of a person?  Because I feel like this should make everyone mad.

1 comment:

Tess said...

I spent a moment reflecting on what, exactly, is so violently offensive about that "poster," and I have decided it's the gold stars.

I feel like it's something the students should create a drinking game out of. Also, drink every time I end a sentence with a preposition.