Friday, August 19, 2011

74) Thoughts On Inspiration

Throughout history humans have accomplished many amazing feats. I am currently reading a book about the aqueducts of the Roman Empire and am amazed on many levels. I become thoroughly impressed anytime I think of the miracles of Space Travel, The Great Wall of China, Lasik surgery, GPS on my phone, the original Star Wars Trilogy, Indoor Plumbing, The Great Pyramids, The Internet, Cowboys Stadium. Not only do I like to think of these feats in and of themselves, but I also wonder what sort of inspiration led to such amazing accomplishments. Since I can only offer suitable insight into men, I will confine my discussion accordingly. However, I fully understand that women play huge roles into mankind's accomplishments and ultimately would love insight into what motivates and inspires women.

So, what inspires men to do the things they do? Without conducting surveys or utilizing any sort of proper research I can deduce that different things inspire different people. Some men are inspired by money. Others by women (and by women I really mean tail). Some men crave power over others. Some want fame. And there are those who simply want quiet contentment. Thinking on all of this has forced me to ask myself what inspires me.

While I am certainly motivated by money, tail and power, this exercise has allowed me to hone in on exactly what inspires me the most. Due to genetics, I am pre-wired with this itching, nagging feeling that resides primarily at the base of my neck. This itching and nagging keeps me from feeling relaxed. For some reason I cannot get this nagging to stop unless I accomplish something with my day. Can almost be anything. I can mow the yard or do a couple of loads of laundry. Or I can work out, or eat a completely vegetarian meal. If I sweep the floors and empty the dishwasher, that will help to dull that feeling. Another strange aspect to this is, my job does not count. If I have a hard day of work, I cannot simply come home and relax. I still have to accomplish something at home.

And while I am doing these things there really is only one thing that keeps me going with a positive attitude. That is: I cannot wait to sit on the couch with a glass of wine or a beer and watch tv/movie with my wife. I will gladly reinforce our rickety fence outside after scooping bagfuls of wiener dog poop if I know I will get to watch an episode of Trublood with L. later that evening. I realize this is somewhat of a lackluster inspiration, but that is what gets me through the tough times.

The takeaway from this post is: there is little chance I will create something monumental. I hate to think how little Thomas Edison would have accomplished if he was content sitting on the couch after sweeping his porch.

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