Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Kingfisher: A Small Account of the Struggle (9)

Moving At A Standstill

We continued to practice twice a week, though honestly the practices strayed from the type of environment where positive work could accomplished. Instead, we drank vodka, listened to music, and discussed the ifs of being a working band. Practice became a social gathering.

And that is when Craig stopped showing up. Instead of pressuring his home life and work life over a social gathering, he used the time to make Jenn happy, which is to say to make his life easier. He felt his participation in our gatherings did nothing to help us. That is where he was wrong. As the situation developed and festered, we needed someone to take charge, to keep us focused on moving forward. We needed someone the others could follow. We needed someone stronger than me.

What we needed was someone to find us a drummer.

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