He arrived at his office on a typical Tuesday, one in which he has a weekly status meeting with his team first thing in the morning. Our friend, Chris White, walked into his meeting where his fellow employees noticed him wearing 1 brown shoe and 1 black shoe. I am not sure what part of this situation I like better: the funny reveal at the office where his team members get a good laugh at his expense, or the hour and a half drive of shame where he had to go home in order to get 2 matching shoes.

This story inspired me to devote a post to instances where the brain did not work properly and someone ended up at work wearing mismatching shoes.
* I made it to work one morning with my shirt inside out. In my defense, the stitching on the outside of the shirt looks similar to the stitching on the inside of the shirt.
* While in college I took a class with an Italian exchange student. He was extremely Metro and rode around campus on a smallish motorcycle. I lived far off campus and parked no where close to my classes. He drove by me one day and offered to give me a ride. I declined. He persisted with his thick Italian accent, letting me know it was common practice for 2 dudes to ride a smallish motorcycle together. Reluctantly I got on. Out of the 12,000 or so students attending Baylor at the time, Britt was on campus and saw me riding. He assured me it was more than unacceptable for 2 dudes to ride a smallish motorcycle together.
* At least once a month I forget my laptop at home and must turn around to get it. Each time, I discover the fact I forgot my laptop in the parking garage. However, I wait until I get inside my office so that I can be seen getting to work on time. I have to walk into my cube and pretend that I just realized my laptop is missing. My acting is good and works every time, but that does not make the drive of shame any less annoying.
* I teach a class at a community college and once showed up to the wrong classroom. I sat in there alone for 20 minutes before discovering I was in the wrong room. Amazingly, my students did not institute the 15-minute rule.
* To avoid using the office refrigerator, I bring my lunch in a small cooler (the bag-type, not the hard, igloo type). One morning, the plastic bag I use to hold ice did not work properly. The ice melted enough on my drive to work that water slowly dripped down my leg while I carried my lunch through the parking garage and up to my desk. My leg was so wet that I had to go home to change.
* I made it to my class one time without bringing my briefcase, which is to say I did not have any of my materials for the class. So I made up a class on the fly where I threw together random images in 4 different power point presentations and asked the students to deliver an impromptu speech using the random images as guides. The lesson was designed to show that you do not need words on your power point to spell out what you are trying to present. I now use that class each semester.
* I know a guy (promise that this is not me) that once put on shirt covered in dog urine. He did not notice until someone pointed it out to him. His response upon discovering the mistake was, "I wondered what that smell was?"
I know there are more, but have run out of time...