Tuesday, October 25, 2011

75) Impact?

Recently reconnected with an old college friend on Facebook. After the pleasantries, he asked me if I still play music. I told him that I play guitar and bass when I get the chance. He informed me of a band he is currently in, called DOSS. They recently committed to their first show ever at a local music venue in Dallas called The Prophet Bar. His band had played together for about a year, but had not grown enough to play gigs. The lead singer, tired of their stagnant growth booked the show, thinking that if they were forced to play a show then they would get their act together and prepare themselves. So, the lead singer booked the show. A week later, the bassist quit.

My friend asked me if I would fill in on bass to play 7 songs. Because I am a nice guy I told him I would. I had precisely 2 weeks to prepare for the show, but learning their music on bass I felt confident I would not have any problems. However, showing up for my first practice with the lead singer and the drummer I learned something new. I learned that the lead singer had gotten another dude to play bass. So the trio asked me if I wanted to play lead guitar. Following is what transpired:

* I've not really been a lead guitarist before. As a result, I almost exclusively play the same licks over and over.
* I had 2 weeks to figure out the licks for this show.
* Check out my stage presence. I am not good enough on guitar to play without looking at what I am doing and concentrating. Also, so you know, I could not hear a good mix of the music. My amp pointed directly at my head and was much louder than the rest of the band. That is why I am almost always turning my instrument up and down.
* Doss plays a heavy style of music...a style that begs for a shredding lead guitarist.
* I play a more reserved style of music...a style that uses lead guitar to not really do anything important except add depth to the music.
* Know that there were about 25 people in the crowd. The place is about the size of a school gymnasium. Most of the 25 people were in the other bands scheduled to play that night.
* I am the dorky-looking guy on stage wearing a button up shirt. Actually, I think we are all sort of dorking looking.

Check out the below link for clips of the 7 songs we played. You must click the "see all" button to get all of the live versions of the songs to appear. I cannot vouch for the quality of the music. You will have to listen at your own risk. However, I think you will enjoy how awkward and lame we are on stage. And you will certainly enjoy watching me attempting to shred it on lead guitar!


The question I have for my audience is: Did I make a positive impact on Doss?