I recently watched all of the X-Men movies and like most people enjoyed the superpower aspect of the story, even though I thought some of the mutant genes were strange (for instance Cyclops, or Gay-ser Beam as I like to call him, has a strange eye laser that shoots from his face). The movie got me thinking about mutations and I have a theory that humans today have mutant genes present in their DNA. If we were to mate with someone with similar powers, the resulting children would have a stronger form of that gene. The powers are not as interesting and far-fetched as the comic, and 99% of people's mutant gene would not warrant a superhero name or even a better life. But I believe these genes are present within each of us, and the trick is to identify it and embrace it.
For instance (and I am going to get shit for bringing this up), I have a mutant gene that I am not sure you guys are aware of. I do not wear, or need to wear deodorant. My body does not react the same to sweat under my arms as it does for other people. The bacteria that cause the BO smell for most people do not thrive in my armpits. I have not worn deodorant consistently since high school, and that was because in 4th period soccer class I had to put some on otherwise my power would be revealed and I would have been labeled a disgusting freak.
I have embraced my power, and realize that I am special. I can see how if I reproduced with the right people, and our kids reproduced with the right people, our offspring would one day (in a million years or so) might actually evolve so far as to have pleasant smelling farts. And wouldn't that be an interesting superpower...
I believe everyone has a mutant X gene. I do not want to presume to know what your specific mutant power is, though for some of you I have an idea, (Chris: an unusually large threshold for bad TV. Craig: Third or Fourth generation Snoring Monster. Tiffany: Her body can transform beer into working nutrients and lose weight at the same time).
The morale of this is to embrace your strange gene and to have offspring with someone who has a similar gene (assuming it is one you want to evolve).